NEW STOCK, Fantastic 100% genuine baltic RAW amber teething necklace in beautiful lemon coloured beads , very pretty. All authentic 100% Natural Baltic amber, hand made from start to finish. My necklaces are made to order for me in the Baltics using traditional methods by a small family of craftsman. Only natural baltic amber will work with your childs teething pain as it has the highest level of succinic acid. An amber mix of really gorgeous natural colours, threaded on honey colour cotton, individually knotted in case of breakages. Baroque style, with smooth rounded and polished beads. This necklace has a plastic screw clasp, and is 33cm long. The raw amber is very effective and has a very difference appearance when compared to the polished necklaces. Amber works on two levels, firstly amber is a resin, which contains succinic acid,the warmth of the skin on the amber encourages the release of this natural analgesic. This helps to calm the child thus reducing the horrid symptoms of teething. Secondly Amber is electrostatically charged so assists in removing negative energy from the body. Amber has also been know to help with symptoms of asthma and other illnesses. Amber House offers a 6 month warranty on all necklaces.